Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Home in Brevard--well, for a few more hours anyway

---yes, only a few more hours and I'm on the road again. Got in dinner time Saturday, May 21, just in time for a dinner with my 'Breaking Bread group' from my church--great time, good food(Hungarian)and lots of sharing of 'last month's events' with these friends.

Sunday special choir event for the weekend had culminated with our chancel choir giving a concert that afternoon at 4PM, so, after a guest professor gave a very 'new' sermon approach with the reading of the first chapter of the bible, Genesis, I invited my 86 year old friend, Betty Combs, to go with me. She, of course, enthusiastically agreed. I picked her up and, after a truly beautiful concert, we went up to the Blue Ridge Parkway(30 min away)to the Pisgah Inn(at the base of MtPisgah)for an early dinner---which was wonderful, as expected--I even did some Christmas shopping(secrets)!!

Monday, I gardened--caught up with my landscape chair responsibilities--and enjoyed being back in Brevard. Then Tuesday, I sprayed our holly hedge(eaten up with scale--hope to have beaten the beasties)ran errands and got ready to leave again today, Wednesday.

Wanted to post some photos first tho--sooo here they are---my condo gardens(not as colorful as Jane's, since I use more foliage color rather than blooming blossoms for vivid contrast) and pics of our resident Canadian Geese families. ENJOY


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