Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Brevard to Fayetteville. Travel days 1 & 2

Brevard, Day 1(driving days)--left on Saturday, May28(great day to drive--hwy construction on hold for Memorial holiday weekend, so no delays on I 40) drove 6.5 hours to small town of Lexington, TN, one of the Civil War sites. Day 2(driving days) traveled on to Fayetteville, AR,with still no hwy delays, a 5.5 hour day, arriving at 1 PM. This gave me 1.5 days this visit--too short, but since I visited in Feb for several days, this was more a refresher visit than a real stay--in my mind, anyway. Had a good time with each of Sue's boys, Stewart,15, and Forster,13,--and of course with Sue.

Sue and I repotted the young 'babies' I'd brought her from both my yard and Jane's. Then each of the boys and I(separately) had a 2+ hour time together too--doing our thing, together. Special for me to be with each grandson--with every grandchild--too little time before they grow up and move away to begin their own separate lives.

Didn't get any new pics of family but shot Sue's yard--lots of NEW GRASS. This was a great accomplishment for Sue and her family, to have grass instead of rocks with some weeds for a front yard. ENJOY!


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