Monday, August 14, 2006

Casa Grande---a monument to a prehistoric people, the Hohokans, people-of-the-desert of AZ, just as the Anasazi, the ancient ones, homes are preserved in the cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde,CO. This site was saved as the FIRST archeological site in 1886, by the government for future generations to study and wonder--maybe uncover the mysterys---maybe, maybe---wonder if--- Posted by Picasa

Archeologists are still trying to uncover the mystery---why this large structure?? was it an observatory ??[one of the holes in the west wall lines up with the setting sun on the longest day of the summer ] and that 's only one of the mysterys ?? Where did the people go--and why?? Maybe some day, someone will discover the answers, hope so, but I love mysterys---so many possibilities!! Posted by Picasa

Casa Grande---the 4 story, 60 foot wide--National Monument to the Hohokan people, the 'people-of-the-desert', they called themselves, and are best remembered for the extensive irrigation canal system they dug to make a garden of the desert. This 'building' is only the center structure of a 2 mile village--housing about 2-3000 people, at the peak of its use--around 1300's, 700 years ago!! Posted by Picasa

Cactus---fruited[centerclose-up] and blooming [barrel cactus, upper right and lower center]--- --because of the monsoon rains this time of year, show blossoms and the fruit is plentiful but will soon disappear--animals will enjoy earth's bounty. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Happy golfers--mother and son--at Wesley Palms, where Jane now lives with her new husband Don[92]--4 years married!! He wasn't coming out in the heat to play--80's in San Diego!! The world is crazy with such climate upsets--unbelievable--- Posted by Picasa

Aunt Jane[85] and son Jeff[53] playing in Wesley Palms golf tournament--Jeff got such good coaching, he got a hole-in-one and the prize!! Posted by Picasa

Angel Trumpet--several colors--from pale peach to pink to yellow-and look[lower right] at the size of the trunks!! Yes, been there awhile. They love Ventura climate--eat your heart out, Jane, in BR. Posted by Picasa

--everywhere--flowers--blooming in pots [mostly] so he can move them around but some grow so happily, he's never moved them and they are now so large, he can't!! Talk about a 'green thumb'---Ruben has several!! And he's generous about sharing--has given Tim some fuchias but they don't receive the same 'T L C' and don't do as well---not the same time spent tending flowers, more time spent with 2 active children and 2 careers---big 'life-style' differences between the 2 houses. Posted by Picasa

---his front yard--see, no grass--just flowers--- Posted by Picasa

Fuchias, on the other hand, are best seen in Ventura neighbor Ruben's yard---spectacular--some of his[center plant is mother and upper and lower left pics are closeups] are hybrids he has created--himself--in his own greenhouse--in his own backyard!!! Same size yard as Tim's--unbelievable to me to see so much in so compact a space. For instance-- Posted by Picasa

Ventura Amblers home--2006. May change by next visit, as some construction--minor or major--modifications are being considered but the beautiful flowers will [hopefully] remain!!Both front and back yards are shown in the closeups--- Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 06, 2006

2006--Ventura Amblers at home [kinda]since one of those shots was from the Six Flags 'X' ride but the collage of pics shows the new kitchen--remodeled '03--and a very happy family, doing quiet 'stuff'---cool shots, I think!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 04, 2006

--had one more new experience [new to Grandma too] driving in the shuttle, across the runway--amidst all the planes taking off and landing---to where his smaller aircraft was to take off. Not everybody DRIVES on a runway, except in the movies!! Go Forster!! Posted by Picasa

Time for Forster to leave--said his goodbyes, packed Uncle Tim's car and we left for LAX. Great 19 day trip---but time to go home to AR. Posted by Picasa

Ethan sought out some different rides, after some food, and while Forster, Brianne and Tim went on some more of the big roller coasters, he chose these. Didn't catch all of them om film but he had a fine time--later he too, went on the Collosus--an old-fashioned wooden one--and thot it very exciting--even electing to go again with Forster, for his last ride of the day.  Posted by Picasa

--happy smiles--successful 2 minute ride--hardly seemed worth it tho, Ethan and Grandma elected not to ride, even tho we too waited in the hot sun for those same awesome 2 minutes. Forster, Tim and Brianne were high with the experience but we were all very hungry and thirsty---- Posted by Picasa

Last day--Six Flags/Magic Mountain--roller coaster heaven---first ride, waited almost 3 hours for- X-Xtreme [a new ride, thus the long line]--see Tim and Brianne[center shot]-- Posted by Picasa

Last show of the day, Waterworld--from the Kevin Costner movie of the same name--fun wild show done by local actors, for Hollywood [TV shows and movie-fame] played out the 'attack sequence' -- well done and fun to watch, too! Posted by Picasa

Time to cool off!! Brianne got very wet, Ethan elected to help all the others get wet, just not himself--but both had fun, as you can see! Posted by Picasa

--set of War of the Worlds---they used a real 747 for this--and, unlike most sets for the movies, this set was still here for us to see!! Most everything we saw on the back lot tour was bits and pieces of scenes, this was unusual in that it was complete--untouched--cool! Posted by Picasa

--famous movie and TV show CARS--AUTOMOBILES--even animated [lower 2 left and middle far right]---sorry the blog won't let me post movies, 'cause we saw some great shots and Tim caught some of them!! Posted by Picasa

Universal Studios--next day. This is the entrance and 'back-lot' tour--then--- Posted by Picasa

--See!! lots of fun!! Posted by Picasa

Many faces of Brianne--- This is the next day at the Ventura beach--a day of more relaxed activities and cooler temperatures--we were all pretty tired after the 2 previous days--with the theatre and LA beaches, a local, low-key day sounded good---besides it was fun!! See?? Posted by Picasa

--then the waves, at Venice Beach, breaking over the rocks. If the sun had been brighter, the size of these waves would have really shown up well!! Posted by Picasa