Thursday, January 25, 2007


Finally!! Biltmore House---just inside the gate of the Mansion--last chance for a photo, since no photos are allowed inside the house itself. Don't they look happy??

Now for the whole collage----

But I really like this shot---Madi cuddling the Lion---with a happy "Madi smile" on her face---

Madi and Doug visit Biltmore Mansion

Madi with one of the Biltmore lions--

--now, Madi and Doug are inside the visitor center--with Madi being her 'silly' self--

Now--outside the visitor center---glad to have Madi's first visit beginning, at last!!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Discovery Day---last skill event--

--chop the log---into 2 pieces--while standing on it!! Looks kinda simple, doesn't it? Trust me, it wasn't simple at all---these students were very serious---

Cold day @ Pisgah--

Madi wraps up in the army blanket while waiting for us to break for lunch!!
Competition still going on, while she takes a short break---Doug and I are watching the students compete---'cause it lasts all day!!

Lumberjack competition continues---

Look at these gals & guys go!!

Object is to climb--fastest, of course--up the pole, ring the bell and drop back down--
---just look at all the different techniques--and total focused concentration--very tricky!! Looks a lot simpler than it is---really it does---
--here's the swinging/dropping back down, after ringing the bell [at the top]--

Forest Discovery Day, Oct 2006

Look at those chips fly!!

Get a clean cut for the next competition cut, now!!

Spray [look at the left-hand side of the photo] that W-40 on very generously so the saw blade will really fly---

5 teams compete at once--hard to keep track of everyone--but what fun is being had by all of us---contestants and spectators alike---very focused-type competition, is this lumberjack stuff!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Looking Glass Falls

Doug and Madi hike back up from Looking Glass Falls---quite a lot of steps too!! But don't they look happy? All this, after the day spent at the Lumberjack Competition @ The Discovery Center in Pisgah National Forest.
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